Here you can find a small selection of our worldwide clients. Additionally you can read what they say about us, our services and products in the Quotes section. And there is a Map of References, too.
2016 has been a huge year for us – apart from getting the brewery up and running in May/June, we have had a very successful first 6 months of operation … and this is in no small part attributable to the Leibinger technology that we believed in and of course invested in; we have (in the 6 months) bottled just short of 1 million bottles – 966 000 bottles (340 and 440ml) to be exact. Thank you to all of you for your part in making 2016 a successful one for us … and we look forward to continued cooperation in 2017.
We had our most successful day to date yesterday on the line – 26 000 bottles … the filler ran at 89% uptime over the period, with the constraint to full production being the shrinkwrapper performance, and not your machine.
We use a Leibinger system that includes rotary tables on each end, rinser, filler and seamer. It is excellent. German engineering. The beer in cans is amazing, often even better than our kegs. It did take a while to tune and get used to, but now that it is tuned it is very efficient and 1000% better than our old Italian bottling line.
We have had several visitors through here, some involved in brewing and some not – but all are equally impressed with the new Leibinger bottling machine !!! We ourselves are highly pleased with pre-delivery, delivery, installation and after-sales service. We welcome anyone at our brewery for a physical inspection and personal recommendation.
We love the filler and are really pleased so far, thank you!
We are more than happy with your equipment and Norbert’s (assembly operator and Leibinger Distributor) work – both commissioning it and answering the many questions we have had since first being introduced.